When the peace treaty is signed, the war isn't over for the veterans, or the family.
When the peace treaty is signed, the war isn't over for the veterans, or the family.
Our Fairchild PT-26 is a WWII trainer that we take veterans of all ages for a free fun demo flight...with your generous donations...we help to put a smile on the face of our veterans. Please help us keep their smiles alive!
Our newest aircraft is a Cold War Fighter/Bomber Trainer from Romania. This will be used for a solemn mission to take Gold Star Families (up to 3 people at a time) for a scenic flight around the Superstition Mountains, to give them a special memorial to their fallen hero.
These flights are completely free and provided to our veterans as my family's way of thanking them for keeping us free. Your donations are helping us fund our Veteran Ministry. As of February 2022, we have given a free flight to over 458 veterans. God Bless you for your support.